Frequently Asked Questions

How should I take MigraineMD?

The recommended dose is two capsules nightly, though if you are prone to side effects, you may consider starting with one capsule every night for two weeks before increasing to two capsules.

Some people notice a benefit quickly, while others need to take MigraineMD every night for up to 3 months to notice improvements. 

We recommend taking MigraineMD at bedtime because the magnesium and melatonin may make you sleepy. 

For maximal absorption of Vitamin D3 and Coenzyme Q10, both of which are fat soluble, you may consider taking MigraineMD with a fat-rich food or beverage, for example, full-fat milk, yogurt, or nuts.

Can I take MigraineMD only when I get a migraine?

MigraineMD is not designed to be taken as needed to make migraines go away faster. For best results, it is recommended to take MigraineMD every night, regardless of whether you currently have a migraine, to gradually reduce the frequency of headaches.

Why did you choose magnesium citrate instead of other forms of magnesium?

There are many forms of magnesium on the market, and it can be confusing to choose between them. Magnesium citrate has the most scientific evidence to support its effectiveness for migraine prevention. No other form of magnesium has been studied as extensively as magnesium citrate, so in the spirit of creating the most evidence-based migraine supplement on the market, we chose this form of magnesium.

Does that mean other forms of magnesium don't work? Of course not, but they haven't been proven to work yet. The only other form of magnesium that has some evidence behind it is magnesium glycinate. That is why the American and Canadian Headache Societies recommend either magnesium citrate or magnesium glycinate in their guidelines.

Magnesium glycinate may have a lower risk of loose bowel movements, so is preferred by some. However, those who suffer from chronic constipation would prefer magnesium citrate due to its mild laxative effect. 

Is MigraineMD designed to replace my other migraine medications?

Not necessarily, though if MigraineMD allows you to stop your other medications, then that's great! You can take MigraineMD in addition to your other migraine medications. Some people choose to use MigraineMD alone, while others may experience synergistic benefits when taken together with their prescription medications. The decision is up to you. Consult your healthcare provider before making any changes to your medications.

What are possible side effects of MigraineMD?

Side effects are uncommon with MigraineMD and, if experienced, are usually mild and improve with time. Magnesium may cause diarrhea and drowsiness (welcomed by those who experience constipation and insomnia!). Riboflavin can cause harmless orange urine coloration. Melatonin can cause drowsiness and rarely vivid dreams. If you experience any unpleasant side effects or are worried you might, you may take one capsule nightly instead of two. If you still experience side effects despite a lower dose you may discontinue MigraineMD and the side effects will resolve. For a complete list of possible side effects, click HERE.

Do I need to consult my doctor before taking MigraineMD?

It is always a good idea to discuss new medications or supplements with your doctor. However, you do not need a prescription to take MigraineMD, and neurologists routinely recommend the ingredients found in MigraineMD to their patients.

Can I take MigraineMD if I am pregnant or breastfeeding?

Consult your doctor before taking MigraineMD if you are pregnant or breastfeeding. While safety data in pregnancy and breastfeeding are limited, all of the ingredients in MigraineMD are routinely recommended by neurologists in pregnancy and during breastfeeding. If you are taking prenatal vitamins, we recommend you take half of the recommended daily dose of MigraineMD (i.e. one capsule nightly). This is because prenatal vitamins may contain some of the same ingredients as MigraineMD which may lead you to exceed the recommended daily dose of these ingredients.

Is MigraineMD expensive?

The price of MigraineMD is lower than buying all the ingredients found in MigraineMD separately, when compared with equivalent dosing in other leading brands. In addition, MigraineMD costs less and contains more ingredients at more optimal doses than many of our competitors. This makes MigraineMD the most cost-effective all-in-one natural supplement for migraine.

How convenient is MigraineMD, really?

If you took the ingredients separately, to get the same dosage as found in MigraineMD you would need to take 12 pills from five different bottles every day. With MigraineMD you only need to take one to two capsules nightly.

Is MigraineMD vegan?

Yes. All ingredients in MigraineMD and the capsule itself are 100% plant-based.

What non-medicinal ingredients are in MigraineMD?

We believe in crafting pure products, minimizing unnecessary fillers and additives that do you no good. The only non-medicinal ingredient found in MigraineMD is microcrystalline cellulose, which is plant-based and simply aids absorption. 

How big is the capsule?

Each capsule is size 00, which is an industry standard capsule size.

Can my child take MigraineMD?

The short answer is yes! However, there is less evidence supporting natural supplements for migraine prevention in children. That said, all the ingredients in MigraineMD are recommended by the American Academy of Neurology for prevention of migraine in children. In order to avoid exceeding the maximum recommended doses of each ingredient, we recommend that children weighing at least 50 kg may take 1 capsule of MigraineMD per night.